1800 121 222 999 Info@svarn.com


Harnessing nature’s power
for a brighter future
As the world transitions to renewable power, Svarn delivers the essential cables and connectivity solutions for solar, wind, and hydroelectric infrastructure. Utilizing cutting-edge production facilities and rigorous quality control, we craft specialized cables engineered for the unique demands of clean energy systems.

Svarn’s solar cables, with our extended warranties and UV resistance, ensure reliable power transmission even in harsh outdoor environments. Our flexible wind cables withstand mechanical stresses while maintaining peak performance. For hydropower, our comprehensive offering of instrumentation, control, and power cables optimizes plant performance and safety, showcasing their commitment to sustainability across all renewable energy sources.

Through robust engineering and rigorous testing, Svarn’s Renewables portfolio enables the reliable and efficient distribution of clean, sustainable energy worldwide. As nations scale up wind, solar, and hydro capabilities, our durable, high-performance cables provide the critical connections these systems require.

Driven by technology and innovation, Svarn actively supports the global transition to renewable power. Our cables deliver the connectivity and transmission capabilities needed to maximize energy output from these clean resources, helping power a more sustainable future.